BY OLIVER STUENKEL | DECEMBER 13, 2019 Chile’s challenges are more than skin deep. As things stand, the political establishment will be...
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OLIVER STUENKEL 10 DEC 2019 – 12:16 BRT Crise traz graves riscos para o Chile, mas também oportunidade única de consertar seus...
Monday’s announcement of U.S. tariffs on Brazilian steel and aluminum imports is yet one more reason China may be looking like a better...
Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra (R) shakes hands with his Bolivian counterpart Evo Morales during their fifth joint staff meeting at the...
Divergências ideológicas e geopolíticas representam ameaça para parceria entre as duas maiores economias da América do Sul OLIVER...
El profesor de la Fundación Getulio Vargas vaticina dificultades en el vínculo con Brasil. EE.UU., China y la pelea por el 5G.
Brazil’s Government Still Has One Faction That Can Douse Them By Oliver Stuenkel August 30, 2019 Thousands of fires have raged over the past...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | AUGUST 22, 2019 The humanitarian toll of U.S. sanctions is mounting, and Guaidó’s association with Trump has become...
The startling spread of illiberal populism in democracies around the world raises the question of how damaged democracies can heal themselves...
Em seis meses, governo Bolsonaro provocou ruptura na política externa, marcada por distanciamento do multilateralismo e imprevisibilidade...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JUNE 19, 2019 Diplomats across the region have begun to regard Brazil as a source of instability. When it comes to...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | MAY 21, 2019 Brazil’s “adult in the room” wants to undo President Bolsonaro’s damage. But his...
OLIVER STUENKEL 13 MAI 2019 – 19:20 CEST Vice-presidente consertará estrago feito por Bolsonaro e buscará recuperar posição brasileira de...
The Battle Over 5G Comes to Latin America By Oliver Stuenkel —- The U.S. government is on the warpath against Huawei. For months, the...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | MAY 7, 2019 International observers often fail to consider the many challenges that Venezuela will face after Maduro is...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | APRIL 18, 2019 With the opposition in disarray, Hamilton Mourão has become Bolsonaro’s top opponent. After a little over...