A África tem sido tradicionalmente associada com o sofrimento humano em grande escala. No entanto, a última década presenciou um...
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Read also: Emerging India: A Farewell to Multilateralism? (Indian Foreign Affairs Journal) Novo livro: “A Índia na Ordem Global” What would...
(L to R) Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Indian External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, South African...
Author: Oliver Stuenkel Source: Global Responsibility to Protect, Volume 6, Issue 1, pages 3 – 28 Subjects: Human Rights &...
Em mais um sinal inequívoco de que a presidente Dilma Roussef pretende diminuir o envolvimento brasileiro em assuntos internacionais, o...
In yet another unmistakable sign that Brazil’s President Rousseff seeks to decrease her country’s engagement in international affairs...
10. O Sul Global vai às urnas Em 2014, as quatro maiores democracias do Sul Global terão eleições gerais: Brasil, Índia, Indonésia e África do Sul...
Embaixadora Viotti, Representante Permanente do Brasil junto à ONU (2007-2013) ——- Quem afirma que as ambições globais do Brasil são um...
Ambassador Viotti, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the UN (2007-2013) ——- Those who argue that Brazil’s global ambitions are...
As she prepares for her second term, President Rousseff risks undoing her predecessor’s foreign policy achievements. While Itamaraty was...
In October 2003, Goldman Sachs published the paper “Dreaming with the BRICs: The Path to 2050”, predicting that, by 2050, the BRIC economies...
On February 21st 2012, a discussion organized by the Permanent Mission of Brazil on the concept of ‘Responsibility while Protecting’ (RwP) was held...
In late 2011, during a meeting in Delhi with former Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor and several Indian diplomats, one speaker...
One important but usually neglected factor when analyzing foreign policy is the size of a country’s foreign service. Smart strategies...
“When was the last time a non-American thinker based at a non-American institution came up with an idea that changed the way we see the world...