Sábado, 21 de maio de 2011 Por Thorsten Benner e Oliver Stuenkel Em abril de 2009, na cúpula do G20 em Londres, europeus e norte-americanos...
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COMISSÕES / RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES 16/05/2011 – 21h36 O Brasil deve investir na ampliação de seu conhecimento sobre a China, a Índia e a África do...
The geostrategic consequences of Osama bin Laden’s assassination are only slowly emerging, and Al Qaeda’s suicide bombing on May 13 in...
Big summits are rarely places to get much work done. Gone are the days of San Francisco and Bretton Woods, when leaders were able to discuss...
As we’re stuck in traffic on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo’s most famous boulevard, the cab driver interrupts our small talk, struggling to...
Ausgabe 92 – April 2011 Potenzial und Herausforderungen für die deutsch- brasilianischen Beziheungen unter Präsidentin Dilma Rousseff Oliver...
The Editors | Bio | 23 Mar 2011 Brazil and India recently signed an agreement to improve air travel between the two countries, the latest small step...
Amrita Narlikar, New Powers: How to become one and how to manage them, London: Hurst Publications, and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010...
www.ipris.com IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin 15 Table of Contents: Zacarias da Costa, “An overview of Timor Leste’s foreign policy”...
In his new book, Parag Khanna, Director of the Global Governance Initiative at the New America Foundation and author of “The Second World”, seeks to...
Book review: Brazil on the Rise. The Story of a Country Transformed. By Larry Rohter. St. Martin’s Griffin, 2012. 304 pages, $9.67...
Last week, after one of my presentations on Brazilian foreign policy at the School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru...
Em 2050, a Índia será a terceira maior economia do mundo, com o Brasil logo atrás em quarto lugar. Como consequencia do crescente domínio econômico...
Source: Global Times [10:20 December 07 2010] Jonathan Holslag Kiyul Chung Oliver Stuenkel Editor’s Note: This year’s Nobel Peace...
A nova posição de credor do Fundo Monetário coloca o país em situação incômoda: o governo não pode culpar as “instituições imperialistas”...