BY OLIVER STUENKEL | FEBRUARY 27, 2019 Nearing the midpoint of his presidency, Lenín Moreno is overseeing a soft landing after the excesses of his...
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Depending on who you ask, Venezuela has two presidents — Nicolás Maduro and Juan Guaidó. And that’s not even the most confusing aspect of the...
Outside Powers Will Decide the Outcome in Caracas By Oliver Stuenkel Last week, the young Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JANUARY 16, 2019 The new president’s foreign policy revolution creates unprecedented risks for Brazil – and depends on...
Na segunda-feira, dia 21/01 teremos um debate na Escola de Relações Internacionais da FGV com o cientista político Thorsten Benner co-fundador...
Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrea’s President Isaias Afewerki at an official dinner in Asmara. Credit: Yemane Gebremeskel...
A ChinaFile Conversation December 19, 2018 — Many Latin American countries experienced political change in 2018, with presidential...
This interview was conducted as part of the project “Pax Brasiliana? A Study of Brazil’s Role in Constitutional and Political Crises in Latin...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | NOVEMBER 19, 2018 Ernesto Araújo’s appointment is a victory for the pro-Trump faction in Bolsonaro’s government. But...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – OCTOBER 28: Jair Bolsonaro, far-right lawmaker and presidential candidate of the Social Liberal Party (PSL)...
(Photo by Nelson ALMEIDA / AFP) BY OLIVER STUENKEL | OCTOBER 1, 2018 If elected, Fernando Haddad has a chance to improve Brazil’s fortunes...
Photo: LUIS ROBAYO/AFP/Getty Images BY OLIVER STUENKEL | AUGUST 29, 2018 Venezuela’s exodus requires a coordinated regional response...
Photo by MARVIN RECINOS / AFP) (Photo credit should read MARVIN RECINOS/AFP/Getty Images During a research trip I took to Central America last...
“It’s time to bid farewell to the Brics”, the Financial Times‘s Philipp Stevens declared in 2011. A year later, his...
(Photo credit should read WU HONG/AFP/Getty Images) BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JULY 5, 2018 Geopolitical divisions in the West could give Brazil and...
The School of International Relations at FGV is seeking to appoint one full-time Assistant Professor from 1 September or as soon as possible...