Brazil has experienced almost non-stop political and economic turbulence since 2013, but the past few weeks have been particularly rough. A...
Category - English
BEIJING, CHINA – JANUARY 7: Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro (R) walks with Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) as they review an...
Book review: “Der Abstieg des Westens. Europa in der neuen Weltordnung des 21. Jahrhunderts”. [in German]. By Joscka Fischer...
[This article was originally published in Portuguese in EL PAÍS]. As Brazil’s economic dependence on China grows and tensions between the West...
The 10th BRICS Summit, set to take place in Johannesburg next month, will not generate as much buzz as in 2011, when all members of the...
The Center for International Relations at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) is now accepting up to five short-term research fellows to help it...
This Series undertakes interviews with academics, policymakers and in particular former officials exploring the current and past architecture...
Despite constraints, Brazil’s next government has the opportunity to reassert a global role OLIVER STUENKEL After 16 years of unprecedented...
BY AQ ONLINE | MAY 14, 2018 On this edition of “Deep South,” a look at China’s growing regional influence, and why...
Most Latin Americans Can’t Name a Chinese Singer. Why That’s Great for Beijing. (Americas Quarterly)
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | MAY 2, 2018 Washington’s advantage in “soft power” may not be an advantage at all, our columnist writes. At a recent...
This article was originally published in Portuguese for O Globo Since the 1990s, China’s Communist Party was able to build a system of...
The eighth Summit of the Americas, which recently took place in Lima, will soon be forgotten. To many observers, that would be considered a...
Event Details ABSTRACT With the United States’ superpower status rivalled by a rising China and emerging powers like India and Brazil playing a...
MOSCOW, RUSSIA – JUNE 21: (RUSSIA OUT) Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) looks on Brazilian President Michel Temer (L) during their...
This interview was conducted as a part of the project “Pax Brasiliana? A Study of Brazil’s Role in Constitutional and Political Crises in...