The occupation of Crimea, the region’s referendum and subsequent integration into Russia have led to the most serious geopolitical tensions in more...
Category - English
(L to R) Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Indian External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, South African...
3000 people on a remote island 500km away from the nearest continent are not exactly a recipe for dynamism and innovation. And yet, change is...
While it is still unclear whether Russia pursues the occupation of additional parts of eastern Ukraine, there is a growing certainty that...
Author: Oliver Stuenkel Source: Global Responsibility to Protect, Volume 6, Issue 1, pages 3 – 28 Subjects: Human Rights &...
Brazil, foreign policy observers often point out, is blessed. Contrary to many other emerging powers such as China or India, it is located in a...
Brazil’s President Lula and Guinea-Bissau’s President João Bernardo Vieira (2007), two year before Vieira was assassinated. How do rising...
The possibility of excluding Russia from the G8 is currently being discussed, among Western powers, as a low-cost yet highly symbolic move to...
Addressing the United Nations General Assembly in September 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama appealed to rising democracies such as Brazil to help...
The Fastest Billion: The Story Behind Africa’s Economic Revolution, by Charles Robertson, Yvonne Mhango and Michael Moran. Publisher:...
One of the main goals of the IBSA grouping, in existence since 2003, has been the creation of a trilateral free trade agreement to foster South-South...
In yet another unmistakable sign that Brazil’s President Rousseff seeks to decrease her country’s engagement in international affairs...
It is easy to mock the idea of meetings for the sake of meetings. But they can create webs of mutual trust and even friendship that leaders...
UNIDO’s quarterly magazine By Oliver Stuenkel, Professor of International Relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São...
Article Citation: Oliver Stuenkel (2014) Emerging Powers and Status: The Case of the First BRICs Summit. Asian Perspective: January-March...