Two years ago, after the 5th IBSA Summit in South Africa, I argued that IBSA had turned into an important political platform, writing that...
Category - English
The G4 David Bosco recently wrote an interesting post about UNSC reform, arguing that Russia and China are far more instrumental in blocking...
Review: Special Issue: Dreaming with the BRICS? The Washington Consensus and the New Political Economy of Development (Review of International...
With international faculty members at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST) In few countries is the urban-rural contrast as stark as...
In July 2009, Brazil’s Foreign Ministry announced the inauguration of an embassy in Pyongyang, making Brazil one of only 25 countries...
During a recent visit to Istanbul, during the first week of the protests, I reread Erez Manela’s The Wilsonian Moment, a brilliant analysis of...
Two years ago, anti-corruption marches paralyzed India’s political process for weeks. Led by Anna Hazare, a former soldier turned social...
——— India and China are discussing the introduction of visas on arrival for their citizens. This step would dramatically reduce...
Brazil’s bilateral relations to Japan have traditionally been dominated by three key aspects: Economic ties, G4 membership and the desire to reform...
1. 2040: US military supremacy vs Chinese economic leadership This raises the interesting question about whether the United States could in...
First BRICS Exchange Program for Judges in Brasília, 2010 Following the signature in 2009 of the Protocol of Intent among the BRIC countries’ Supreme...
BRICS Competition Authorities’ Meeting in Beijing, 2011 One of the most common criticisms vis-à-vis the BRICS grouping is that their economies...
The second BRIC Summit, held in Brazil in April 2010, is often rated by observers as rather uneventful. And yet, when studying the hidden world of...
Four cities from BRICS nations – Rio de Janeiro, Saint Petersburg, Mumbai and Qingdao – established a partnership in 2008. Durban joined...
The stark differences between Brazil’s and India’s agricultural productivity and their differing positions during trade negotiations in...
As Brazil is preparing to host the 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza in March 2014, it would be wrong to assume that only the Foreign Ministry is...