First Meeting of BRICS Heads of Revenue, in Delhi (2013) The BRICS evoke images of emerging powers ready to team up and undermine global order, and...
Category - English
The Report Eminent Persons from Around the World Call for a New Global Partnership to Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable...
1st BRICS Health Ministers meeting (Beijing, 2011) There is a hidden world of intra-BRICS cooperation that occurs without attracting much public...
As the BRICS countries’ implementation commission is discussing the details of the BRICS Bank, to be presented prior to the 6th BRICS Summit in...
What role will the BRICS Contingency Reserve Arrangement (CRA) play compared to existing institutions such as the IMF? Will the BRICS develop lending...
In 2010, the International Monetary Fund seemed to finally adapt to new economic realities when the IMF Board of Governors approved IMF quota reforms...
Contrary to previous emerging power shindigs, which were often neglected by the Western media, the 6th BRICS Summit in July will receive considerable...
During the 4th BRICS Summit in New Delhi in 2012, leaders agreed to study the possibility of a joint development bank. For the next 12 months, a...
India’s Vice President Mohammad Hamid Ansari shakes hands with his Botswana counterpart Mompati S. Merafhe during a ceremony in Gaborone in...
In late 2011, during a meeting in Delhi with former Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor and several Indian diplomats, one speaker...
China’s Superbank. Debt, Oil and Influence – How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance. Wiley-Bloomberg Press...
Boletim Meridiano 47, Vol. 14, No 136 (2013) Download the pdf here. Boletim Meridiano 47 – ISSN 1518-1219 – Publicação digital do...
Abstract The dominant position established powers have traditionally held in global affairs is slowly eroding. One of the issues profoundly...
During yesterday’s debate about Russia’s role in the BRICS, Ambassador Sergey Akopov underlined his country’s commitment to the...
Some of the arguments here draw on a paper presented by my colleague Guilherme Casarões at FGV in April 2013. Brazil and Turkey have a lot in...
At a roundtable discussion on the BRICS last year, organized by the Center for International Relations at Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo, the...