Review: “Socialization as a Two-Way Process: Emerging Powers and the Diffusion of International Norms” by Xiaoyu Pu (The Chinese Journal of...
Category - English
“The Responsibility to Protect – From Evasive to Reluctant Action? The Role of Global Middle Powers” 2011 will be remembered...
In a recent article in Foreign Affairs (“The Crisis of Europe”), Timothy Garton Ash offers an engaging account of the history of the...
What determines a country’s foreign policy? Some analysts point to a leader’s personal traits. An activist foreign policy, they say, is largely the...
The U.S. presidential election is a global event. Newspapers across the world cover both candidates’ moves and analysts debate how each...
Dr. Oliver Stuenkel, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo, Brazil, is interviewed by the GEG...
Imagine the following scenario: On the night of November 6, 2012, voting irregularities in the U.S. Presidential elections surface in several states...
One important but usually neglected factor when analyzing foreign policy is the size of a country’s foreign service. Smart strategies...
One of the interesting innovations in Brazil’s foreign policy under Dilma Rousseff is the adoption of a more subtle approach to the...
October 11, 2012 Oliver Stuenkel, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Sao Paulo, Brazil At the...
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As a supporter of both South-South cooperation and a more prominent role for emerging powers in international institutions, I was rather upset to...
At last week’s BRICS track II meeting in Chongqing in Southwest China, around 40 analysts from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa...
Are the BRICS a coalition, an alliance or a consultation group? Nobody really knows, but commentators in the international media –...
Brazil, Russia, India and China owe a lot to Jim O’Neill, the Goldman Sachs economist who invented the BRICs investment category in 2001...
In 1965 the UN General Assembly issued a Westphalian-sounding ‘Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention into the Domestic...