Prior to a recent meeting of Latin American policy makers and academics in Rio de Janeiro, I asked a participant from Ecuador whether he’d...
Category - English
Yesterday a group of researchers from the Berlin-based German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), a large publicly financed think...
Last Friday I visited the Mercosur Secretariat in Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital, where I met with several of its permanent staff to speak about...
In his recent column in the Financial Times, entitled “A Story of Brics without mortar”, Philip Stephens writes that it is “time to...
One of the recurring themes in the international debate this year has been that around humanitarian intervention – fueled by the Arab Spring...
One of the key features of the end of the “American Era” will be the rise of regional powers that seek to expand their respective spheres...
Turkey may not be part of the BRICS, but it is widely regarded as one of the world’s most important and promising emerging powers. The...
Russia matters, yet Brazil’s international relations scholars know preciously little about the ‘R’ in the BRICS. Prof. Alexander...
When IBSA, a trilateral alliance of India, Brazil and South Africa, was created in 2003, few analysts believed the outfit had much potential...
While social activist Anna Hazare was able to temporarily paralyze the political process by mobilizing tens of thousands of Indians in his fight...
As the United States and Europe struggle to contain their debt crises, the decline of the West and ‘the rise of the rest’ increasingly...
Book review: The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa. By Deborah Brautigam. Oxford University Press, 2010. 416 pages...
Leading the disenfranchised or joining the establishment? India, Brazil, and the UN Security Council
Carta Internacional, Março de 2010, Vol. 5, No.1, pp.53 This paper compares Brazil’s and India’s strategy to obtain a permanent seat on the UN...
Book review: Monsoon. The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power. By Robert D. Kaplan. Random House, 2010. 384 pages. R$ 27,29 (
No matter whether in Brasília, Moscow, Pretoria or Washington, D.C., the question of how to deal with a rising China will be a top priority for most...
Book review: Joseph Nye. The Future of Power. PublicAffairs, 2011. 320 pages. U$ 14.88 (paperback), Joseph Nye, professor at...