Newsletter Prisma 13/07/11 Durante a cúpula Índia-África em Addis Abeba, na Etiópia, no final de maio, o governo indiano prometeu enviar 5 bilhões de...
Category - English
The rise of the ‘Global South’, a concept meant to encompass emerging powers such as Brazil, India, South Africa (and sometimes China)...
(this article was originally published in Spanish in Asuntos del Sur) Brazil’s impressive growth is one of the determining aspects of international...
Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez’ July 1 announcement that he is ill and may not return from Cuba for several months has threatens to send Latin...
In this stimulating collection of scholarly essays, edited by Sumit Ganguly, the fifteen authors provide a balanced and insightful overview over...
India’s rise constitutes, along with China’s ascension, one of the most fascinating and important stories of the past two decades, and it...
Brazil should invest in studying China, India and South Africa, according to experts who joined a public hearing on foreign policy of the three...
The Brazilian Journal of International Politics Identity and the concept of the West: The case of Brazil and India Oliver Stuenkel Download the text...
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The Editors | Bio | 23 Mar 2011 Brazil and India recently signed an agreement to improve air travel between the two countries, the latest small step...
Amrita Narlikar, New Powers: How to become one and how to manage them, London: Hurst Publications, and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010... IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin 15 Table of Contents: Zacarias da Costa, “An overview of Timor Leste’s foreign policy”...
In his new book, Parag Khanna, Director of the Global Governance Initiative at the New America Foundation and author of “The Second World”, seeks to...