Photographer: Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg BY OLIVER STUENKEL | SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 A Biden victory would rob the Brazilian president of key...
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OLIVER STUENKEL 14 SEP 2020 – 09:25 BRT Com menos de cinquenta dias até o pleito presidencial nos Estados Unidos, fica cada vez mais...
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro walks past the President of the Chamber of Deputies Rodrigo Maia during an official ceremony at the presidential...
Para entender a influência de Bannon e os efeitos da investigação da qual ele é alvo, o Café da Manhã desta sexta-feira (21) conversou com Oliver...
The political calculus that maintains destructive environmental policies can be changed OLIVER STUENKEL The writer is associate professor of...
Gestão grotesca da crise consolida isolamento internacional do Brasil, mas é fruto de um cálculo político sofisticado OLIVER STUENKEL 08 AGO 2020...
No dia 5 de agosto, acontece o webinar ‘The Politics of the EU-Mercosur trade deal’, com a convidada Emily Rees, Senior Fellow da...
(Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images) BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JULY 30, 2020 Competing visions in Berlin reveal broader dilemma about...
Para professor de relações internacionais da FGV, opinião pública chinesa e americana esperam respostas à altura para a disputa entre as duas nações...
Permanência dos ministros das Relações Exteriores e do Meio Ambiente contamina qualquer tentativa de apaziguar investidores europeus preocupados com...
Brasilien ist der fünftgrößte Staat der Erde – und seit Wochen eines der Länder, in denen das Coronavirus am heftigsten wütet: rund 70.000...
Brazil this week became the second country after the US to register more than 50,000 deaths from Covid-19. President Bolsonaro’s mis-handling of the...
“The US Presidential Election and the Future of US-Brazil Relations”, ministrada por Michael Camilleri, da Inter-American Dialogue...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JUNE 30, 2020 The government has to choose between U.S. and China for its 5G network — while battling deep political...
Civil unrest in the United States following the death of George Floyd in police custody has exposed police violence and racism in the country...