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Las diferencias personales entre Bolsonaro y Fernández, sumadas a la polarización y a diversos condicionantes económicos, obstaculizan una...
Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra (R) shakes hands with his Bolivian counterpart Evo Morales during their fifth joint staff meeting at the...
OLIVER STUENKEL 11 NOV 2019 – 16:18 BRT Enquanto líderes da região se engalfinham na política, em desfechos como a renúncia de Evo...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | NOVEMBER 12, 2019 Xi Jinping’s visit to Brasília caps a highly successful effort of damage control. Brazil’s Jair...
Derrota de Macri na Argentina e impopularidade de Piñera no Chile apontam para mais dificuldades de Bolsonaro com países vizinhos OLIVER...
04 July 2019, Brazil, Curitiba: “Lula Livre”, is written on the poster behind Alberto Fernandez (M.), candidate for the presidency...
Divergências ideológicas e geopolíticas representam ameaça para parceria entre as duas maiores economias da América do Sul OLIVER...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | OCTOBER 8, 2019 Argentina’s president was arguably the greatest hope of liberal technocrats in the region. “Macri...
El profesor de la Fundación Getulio Vargas vaticina dificultades en el vínculo con Brasil. EE.UU., China y la pelea por el 5G.
Com discurso agressivo, presidente brasileiro reproduz retórica de quando era deputado e aponta para guinada arriscada na política externa...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 Economic and geopolitical interests clash with surging public concern about the environment. Recent...
Brazil’s Government Still Has One Faction That Can Douse Them By Oliver Stuenkel August 30, 2019 Thousands of fires have raged over the past...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | AUGUST 22, 2019 The humanitarian toll of U.S. sanctions is mounting, and Guaidó’s association with Trump has become...