Book review: Blood and Debt: War and the Nation State in Latin America. By Miguel Angel Centeno. Penn State University Press, 2002. 344 pages...
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In the photo: Suriname’s Vice President Arron, President Shankar and Commander Bouterse, six months before the so-called “telephone...
Played a key role in strengthening South-South relations prior to the existence of IBSA: José Serra, Brazil’s new Foreign...
Peru’s next President? Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK) If Peru’s electoral authorities confirm Pedro Pablo Kuczynski as the...
Luiz Felipe Lampreia (1941-2016) ————- Luiz Felipe Lampreia I: Entrevista realizada no contexto do projeto...
AMERICAS QUARTERLY (AQ) BY OLIVER STUENKEL | MAY 31, 2016 Brazil and Argentina should lead the diplomatic effort to change...
Book review: Sailing the Water’s Edge. The Domestic Politics of American Foreign Policy. By Helen V. Milner and Dustin Tingley...
Embaixador Bernardo Pericas Neto (1941-2015) Entrevista de história oral realizada no contexto do projeto “O Brasil em Crises Internacionais”...
Hosting the Olympic Games is a tremendous opportunity for a country to enhance its global visibility. In addition to several hundred thousand...
Entrevistado: José Francisco Rezek, Ministro das Relações Exteriores do Brasil (15 de março de 1990 a 13 de abril de 1992) Entrevista...
On Wednesday afternoon, International Relations scholars across Brazil gathered in front of their computer screens as the newly minted Foreign...
O CPDOC em São Paulo informa a abertura de processo seletivo para a contratação de um(a) professor(a) horista de Relações Internacionais para...
No próximo sábado, 21/05, às 11h, o Embaixador Rubens Barbosa virá à FGV em São Paulo para dar a Aula Magna do MBA em Relações Internacionais...
US President Eisenhower greets the crowds in São Paulo (1960). Along with his Argentine counterpart Frodizi, Brazil’s President Juscelino...
Order here: With the United States superpower status rivalled by a rising China and emerging powers like India and Brazil playing a growing...
Brazil’s Vice President Michel Temer is currently assembling his cabinet Whoever will be chosen by incoming President Michel Temer to head...