African Journal of Political Science and International Relations Vol. 7(7), pp. 310-319, October, 2013 DOI: 10.5897/AJPSIR2013.0625 ISSN 1996-0832...
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Reviewed for The Diplomat. China’s growing presence in Africa has attracted considerable attention from both academia and the...
Reviewed for the South African Foreign Policy Initiative (SAFPI). Will the rise of the emerging economies portend just a broadening of the...
China Goes Global: The Partial Power, by David Shambaugh, OUP USA, £20/$29.95, 320 pages Reviewed for: Meridiano 47, Vol 15, No 141 (2014)...
Today the Center for International Relations, based in the School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) at FGV in São Paulo, is organizing a day-long debate...
“Breves narrativas diplomáticas” (“Short diplomatic stories”, my translation) by Celso Amorim. Benvirá, 168 páginas...
Samudra Manthan: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific, by C. Raja Mohan. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2012), 360 pages. $17...
Available at Editors: Kevin Gray & Craig N. Murphy Authors: Achin Vanaik, Andreas Antoniades, Mark Beeson, Patrick Bond, Steen...
“Brazil shows the way” The Hindu, an Indian newspaper, wrote when Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff canceled her state visit...
Oliver Stuenkel is an assistant professor of international relations at Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo, Brazil. He writes about emerging...
Aaron Friedberg, suggests in his new book (reviewed here) that democratization in China would reduce or even solve the geopolitical tensions that...
Por Oliver Stuenkel* Al final, fue una decisión fácil. Con las elecciones reñidas el próximo año, la Presidenta de Brasil, Dilma Rouseff, prefirió no...
In the end, it was an easy choice. With a tight election race looming next year, Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff preferred not to risk being...
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“The Origins of Alliances” by Stephen M. Walt. Cornell University Press, 1986, R$ 32,99 on Among the new generation of...