In a thought-provoking article written by Ambassador Neelam Deo and Akshay Mathur for the Gateway House, a Mumbai-based think tank, the...
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Foreign Policy Research Center (FPRC) – FPRC Journal-11-“India and Latin America” From BRIC to BRICS When China...
Afonso Carbonar, Brazil’s recently appointed ambassador to Libya, faces a difficult task: He needs to remake Brazil’s image in the North...
The debate about military intervention and the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P) is often seen as dominated by reckless and pro...
O que a China quer? Organização: Dani Nedal, Matias Spektor (Editora FGV, 2012) Resenhado para Política Externa. A pergunta “o...
In a recent article entitled “Democracy Lobby Under Siege”, Nicolas Bouchet, a scholar who studies democracy promotion, describes what he calls a...
Perhaps the most interesting geopolitical development of the Rio+20 Summit is not related to the environment, but to a further rapprochement...
1. Brazil and the dilemma of regional leadership Much too late has the public debate in Brazil picked up on growing anti-Brazilian feelings in the...
The last three visitors to join the debate at this semester’s Comparative Foreign Policy Class at FGV could hardly have been more different...
“When was the last time a non-American thinker based at a non-American institution came up with an idea that changed the way we see the world...
Since the 4th BRICS Summit in Delhi last March, things seem to have largely gone downhill for the BRICS members. Brazil’s economy has...
Yesterday I was in Florianópolis, in the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil’s South, to speak about Brazil’s role in the BRICS at the 17th...
The defense ministers of Brazil and Turkey met in Brazil last month, where they signed a letter of intent to improve bilateral military ties and...
The phenomenon of the so-called “emerging donors” – such as China, India and Brazil – is one of the most fascinating...
Situation: All conditions relevant to the case are materially the same as they were on May 17th except for the hypotheticals introduced specifically...
Edited by Michael Cox, G. John Ikenberry and Takashi Inoguchi What is the future of liberal order in a Post-Western World? In tomorrow’s multipolar...