#630 February 2012 THE LUSOSPHERE: A symposium on India and the Portuguese speaking world OLIVER STUENKEL INDIA’S rise is certainly one of the most...
Book review: The Party. The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers. By Richard McGregor. HarperCollins, 2010. R$ 26,49 (amazon.com.br) It is...
One of the major themes of academic debates in the field of international relations these days is about how the rise of powers such as China, India...
This highly informative collection of essays edited by Emma Mawdsley and Gerard McCann provides the reader with an excellent overview of...
Book review: Temptations of the West: How to be modern in India, Pakistan and beyond. By Pankaj Mishra. Picador, 2011. 452 pages. R$ 24,63...
Book review. Theories of International Relations and Zombies. By Daniel W. Drezner. Princeton University Press, 2011. (U$ 9.01, www.amazon.com) In...
Book review: “Can the Elephant Dance?” by David M. Malone. Oxford University Press (2002). 448 pages, U$ 32.95 (Paperback, amazon.com)...
Book review: The New Brazil. By Riordan Roett. Brookings Institutions Press, 2011. 178 pages. $19.79 (kindle, amazon.com) In this concise and very...
India’s rise constitutes one of the most fascinating and important stories of the past two decades, symbolizing, along with China, the fundamental...
Por: OLIVER STUENKEL A decadência do domínio do Ocidente, simbolizada pela atual crise financeira e pela ascensão de atores emergentes, tais como a...
Book review: The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa. By Deborah Brautigam. Oxford University Press, 2010. 416 pages...
Contexto Internacional: Vol. 32, Nº 2, 2010 Identidade, Status e Instituições Internacionais: O Caso do Brasil, da Índia e do Tratado de Não...
Leading the disenfranchised or joining the establishment? India, Brazil, and the UN Security Council
Carta Internacional, Março de 2010, Vol. 5, No.1, pp.53 This paper compares Brazil’s and India’s strategy to obtain a permanent seat on the UN...
Book review: Monsoon. The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power. By Robert D. Kaplan. Random House, 2010. 384 pages. R$ 27,29 (www.amazon.com...
Book review: Joseph Nye. The Future of Power. PublicAffairs, 2011. 320 pages. U$ 14.88 (paperback), amazon.com Joseph Nye, professor at...
In this stimulating collection of scholarly essays, edited by Sumit Ganguly, the fifteen authors provide a balanced and insightful overview over...