AJIL Unbound, Volume 111 January 2017 , pp. 236-240 Oliver Stuenkel, Associate Professor of International Relations, Getulio Vargas Foundation...
Book Review: China’s Asian Dream. By Tom Miller. Zed Books, 2017. 256 pages. $21.16 (kindle, amazon.com) Four years ago, at a talk...
Book chapter abstract Has soft power in the emerging world risen commensurately to its hard power? Can the BRICS’ soft power rival that of the...
US Military Bases,Quasi-bases, and Domestic Politics in Latin America. Sebastián Bitar, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 204 páginas. Su versión en...
Book review: Why Govern? Rethinking Demand and Progress in Global Governance. Cambridge University Press (2016), 350 pages. U$15.40 (kindle...
Review: China’s Second Continent: How a million migrants are building a new empire in Africa. By Howard French. Vintage; Reprint edition...
Review: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. By P.W. Singer and Allan Friedman. Oxford University Press; 1 edition (January 3...
Nemesis: One Man and the Battle for Rio. By Misha Glenny. Knopf (February 9, 2016); 338 pages U$15,00 (Kindle, amazon.com) As the first...
Selo comemorativo pelo centenário da abertura dos portos 1808–1908 por Henrique Bernardelli (Valparaíso, Chile, 1858 – Rio de Janeiro, 1936)...
Book review: What is Populism? By Jan-Werner Müller. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. 136 pages. U$ 12.81 (Kindle, amazon.com)...
Review: The Emerging Political Economy of OBOR. The Challenges of Promoting Connectivity in Central Asia and Beyond. A Report of the CSIS...
Journal of Political Power Pages 1-15 | Published online: 20 Sep 2016 Abstract Has soft power in the emerging world risen commensurately to...
Book review: Easternisation. War and Peace in the Asian Century. Gideon Rachman. Vintage Digital, 2016. 320 pages. $28.19 (kindle, amazon.com)...
Embaixador Jorge Geraldo Kadri Entrevista de história oral realizada no contexto do projeto “O Brasil em Crises Internacionais”, desenvolvido...
Affonso Celso de Ouro Preto Embaixador em Bissau (1983);Chefe na delegação brasileira na Conferência Técnica sobre a Institucionalização do...
Embaixador João Clemente Baena Soares. Embaixador, secretário-geral do Ministério de Relações Exteriores do Brasil (1979-1984) e...