A photograph portrait Cixi sent to US President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, thanking him for his good wishes for her 70th birthday...
Enduring NATO, Rising Brazil – Managing International Security in a Recalibrating Global Order. Rome: NATO Defense College, 2015 Brooke A...
My favorite books published in 2014, covering US hegemony and the future of global order, Brazilian foreign policy, Timor-Leste, the history of...
A Little History of the World, by E.H. Gombrich. Yale University Press, 2008. 304 pages, U$ 10.93 (www.amazon.com) Summarizing the history of the...
Book review: “The Colonizer’s Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History” by J.M. Blaut. The Guilford...
The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation, by John M. Hobson. Cambridge University Press, 2004. R$ 71.25 (ebook, www.amazon.com.br) ——...
Laying the Brics of a New Global Order. from Yekaterinburg 2009 to Ethekwini 2013, by Francis a. Kornegay (Editor), Narnia Bohler-Muller (Editor)...
África parceira do Brasil Atlântico: relações internacionais do Brasil e da África no início do século XXI de José Flávio Sombra Saraiva. Fino Traço...
Book review: “God’s Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe, 570-1215” by David Levering Lewis, W. W. Norton & Company (2009)...
Book review: Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect: A New History. Luke Glanville. University of Chicago Press (December 2013). 304...
Book review. Kissinger e o Brasil (Kissinger and Brazil) by Matias Spektor. Zahar, 2008. 234 pages. R$ 29,90 (www.amazon.com.br) Irrespective of who...
Resenha: Matias Spektor. 18 Dias.: Quando Lula e FHC se uniram para conquistar o apoio de Bush. Editora Objetiva, 2014. R$ 23,66 (www.amazon.com...
Nuno P. Monteiro. Theory of Unipolar Politics (Cambridge Studies in International Relations), April 2014. 260 pages. R$51,08 eBook Kindle (www.amazon...
Revista Política Externa, Voluma 23, No.1 Só porque (…) as potências emergentes se beneficiaram com a ordem internacional sob liderança...