A photograph portrait Cixi sent to US President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, thanking him for his good wishes for her 70th birthday...
Resenha de Livros
My favorite books published in 2014, covering US hegemony and the future of global order, Brazilian foreign policy, Timor-Leste, the history of...
A Little History of the World, by E.H. Gombrich. Yale University Press, 2008. 304 pages, U$ 10.93 (www.amazon.com) Summarizing the history of the...
Book review: “The Colonizer’s Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History” by J.M. Blaut. The Guilford...
The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation, by John M. Hobson. Cambridge University Press, 2004. R$ 71.25 (ebook, www.amazon.com.br) ——...
África parceira do Brasil Atlântico: relações internacionais do Brasil e da África no início do século XXI de José Flávio Sombra Saraiva. Fino Traço...
Book review: “God’s Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe, 570-1215” by David Levering Lewis, W. W. Norton & Company (2009)...
Book review: Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect: A New History. Luke Glanville. University of Chicago Press (December 2013). 304...
Book review. Kissinger e o Brasil (Kissinger and Brazil) by Matias Spektor. Zahar, 2008. 234 pages. R$ 29,90 (www.amazon.com.br) Irrespective of who...
Resenha: Matias Spektor. 18 Dias.: Quando Lula e FHC se uniram para conquistar o apoio de Bush. Editora Objetiva, 2014. R$ 23,66 (www.amazon.com...
Nuno P. Monteiro. Theory of Unipolar Politics (Cambridge Studies in International Relations), April 2014. 260 pages. R$51,08 eBook Kindle (www.amazon...
Revista Política Externa, Voluma 23, No.1 Só porque (…) as potências emergentes se beneficiaram com a ordem internacional sob liderança...
As Brazil is heading for a fiercely contested election in October, a fascinating new book looks back at Brazil’s most dramatic power transition...
The Upside of Down. Why the Rise of the Rest is Good for the West. By Charles Kenny. Basic Books, 2014. 256 pages, R$ 28,89 Kindle (www.amazon...