Harvard Students This three-session Study Group, led by Belfer Center Visiting Scholar, Oliver Stuenkel, an Associate Professor at the Fundação...
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 40, Issue 2, Summer 2024, Pages 396–404, Published: 12 June 2024 Abstract The shift of power away from the...
Course Description This course introduces students to the subject of Brazilian Foreign Policy by analyzing core concepts, ideas and challenges that...
For decades Americans have described China as a rising power. That description no longer fits: China has already risen. What does this mean for the U...
Original Article Published: 28 April 2022 How Brazil embraced informal organizations Oliver Stuenkel International Politics (2022) Abstract...
The BRICS Grouping Oliver Stuenkel Published online: 28 January 2022 Summary The emergence of the BRICS grouping has been one of the most...
1st Edition International Negotiation and Political Narratives A Comparative Study Edited By Fen Osler Hampson, Amrita Narlikar Copyright Year 2022...
EL NO ALINEAMIENTO ACTIVO Y AMÉRICA LATINA. UNA DOCTRINA PARA EL NUEVO SIGLO Las diversas perspectivas expuestas en este libro tienen un hilo...
Photo: Argentina’s president Raúl Alfonsín and Brazil’s president José Sarney sign the “Iguazu Declaration” on November...
Photo: Vladislav Klapin via Unsplash Course description This course introduces students to the rich and multi-faceted debates about democracy...
Book Description Using decades of their own insight into teaching undergraduate International Relations (IR) courses, leading experts offer an...
The term “soft power” was coined in 1990 to foreground a capacity in statecraft analogous to military might and economic coercion: getting others to...
Oliver Stuenkel (2020) The making of global international relations: origins and evolution of IR at its centenary, Global Affairs, DOI: 10...
Photo: Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, left, and US Vice President Joe Biden hold a bilateral meeting after she was sworn in for a second...
This course introduces students to the academic discipline of International Relations by focusing on core concepts, theories, and dynamics in world...
Chapter 7 Toward a ‘global IR’? A view from Brazil Oliver Stuenkel As the discipline of IR approaches its centenary, the need to address its...