1. How immigration will change Brazil (April 10) As we’re stuck in traffic on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo’s most famous boulevard, the...
Category - BRICS
This week the New York Times published the results of a poll in which it asked hundreds of chief executives and chairmen to select the top...
In his recent column in the Financial Times, entitled “A Story of Brics without mortar”, Philip Stephens writes that it is “time to...
Rótulo é êxito de marketing para O’Neill e para o Brasil. Oliver Stuenkel conversa com Nelson de Sá, articulista da Folha de S. Paulo...
One of the key features of the end of the “American Era” will be the rise of regional powers that seek to expand their respective spheres...
Russia matters, yet Brazil’s international relations scholars know preciously little about the ‘R’ in the BRICS. Prof. Alexander...
Artigo em pdf Para cientista político, Brics querem fazer parte da elite global sem perder contato com países em desenvolvimento 07 de outubro de...
As the United States and Europe struggle to contain their debt crises, the decline of the West and ‘the rise of the rest’ increasingly...
“Pessimismo atual tem bases sólidas” – Oliver Stuenkel analisa a crise americana em entrevista para o Semana FGV Link Semana FGV Stuenkel é professor...
Newsletter Prisma 13/07/11 Durante a cúpula Índia-África em Addis Abeba, na Etiópia, no final de maio, o governo indiano prometeu enviar 5 bilhões de...
The rise of the ‘Global South’, a concept meant to encompass emerging powers such as Brazil, India, South Africa (and sometimes China)...
Brazil should invest in studying China, India and South Africa, according to experts who joined a public hearing on foreign policy of the three...
Sábado, 21 de maio de 2011 Por Thorsten Benner e Oliver Stuenkel Em abril de 2009, na cúpula do G20 em Londres, europeus e norte-americanos...
Big summits are rarely places to get much work done. Gone are the days of San Francisco and Bretton Woods, when leaders were able to discuss...
Comment on Stewart Patrick’s article: Irresponsible Stakeholders (click here for article) ...
Asking for more responsibility for emerging powers in international decision-making bodies has been so popular that no Brazilian, Chinese or Indian...