Den Brics-Staaten steht auf dem Gipfel in Johannesburg Streit ins Haus – ausgerechnet, weil neue Mitglieder in den Klub drängen. Der Westen sollte...
Category - BRICS
Tensions within the group continue to simmer, but it is here to stay Aug 18th 2023 Since its transformation from an investment category into a...
Oliver Stuenkel crê que aumento do bloco irá enfraquecê-lo, mas vê com bons olhos o ingresso de mais países no Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento Por...
A Índia e o Brasil acertam ao se opor à tentativa chinesa e russa de convidar novos integrantes para o BRICS No próximo dia 22 de agosto, os líderes...
BRICS Faces a Reckoning Enlargement would be a sign not of the group’s strength, but of China’s growing influence. By Oliver Stuenkel, an associate...
Postura pró-Rússia da China e da África do Sul aproxima grupo BRICS de Moscou Com a decisão do Ocidente de fornecer mais de cem tanques à Ucrânia e...
For China, the Brazilian president is an ally against the West. SEPTEMBER 22, 2022, 8:00 AM When Jair Bolsonaro won Brazil’s last presidential...
Original Article Published: 28 April 2022 How Brazil embraced informal organizations Oliver Stuenkel International Politics (2022) Abstract...
The BRICS Grouping Oliver Stuenkel Published online: 28 January 2022 Summary The emergence of the BRICS grouping has been one of the most...
La decisión de qué fabricante y tipo de tecnología 5G usar en un país es la punta del iceberg de una problemática que refleja la preocupación...
By Oliver Stuenkel November 20, 2020 In what has become a yearly ritual, columnists in Western newspapers used this week’s BRICS’ Leaders...
Availble on amazon: Hardcover: 272 pages Publisher: Lexington Books; Second edition (February 3, 2020) Language: English ISBN-10: 1498567274...
Apesar da aproximação aos EUA, fortalecer a atuação do Brasil nos Brics faria sentido para o novo governo OLIVER STUENKEL 21 JAN 2019 –...
“It’s time to bid farewell to the Brics”, the Financial Times‘s Philipp Stevens declared in 2011. A year later, his...
Por Fernando Caulyt Os líderes de Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul se reúnem a partir desta quarta-feira 25, em Johanesburgo, para...
(Photo credit should read WU HONG/AFP/Getty Images) BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JULY 5, 2018 Geopolitical divisions in the West could give Brazil and...