In a change of pace, Ecuador’s runoff presidential election brought conservative businessman Guillermo Lasso to office. But the country’s...
Category - Thematic
In Brasilien wurden zuletzt mehr als 4000 Corona-Tote innerhalb eines Tages gezählt. Wie konnte die Lage so eskalieren? Welche Verantwortung muss...
O governo Bolsonaro acentuou a crise gerada pela pandemia no Brasil e manchou a imagem do país no exterior. Como superar essa crise...
Brazil’s daily COVID-19 deaths passed 4,000 for first time this week, while President Jair Bolsonaro focused on firing his defense minister;...
Oliver Stuenkel Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Facing his most severe political crisis since taking office in 2019, Brazil’s far-right president...
Se for habilidoso, Carlos França conseguirá reverter parte do desmonte do Itamaraty e mitigar um pouco o impacto nocivo de Bolsonaro na reputação...
Brasil passará menos vergonha, mas quem espera uma guinada relevante na estratégia internacional do Brasil provavelmente se frustrará, diz professor...
Justice Fachin’s decision is unlikely to be overturned, and Lula is already a de-facto candidate for the 2022 presidential election and, in...
Photo by Alexandre Schneider/Getty Images) As center-left leaders in Europe and the U.S. prioritize the fight against climate change, the same cannot...
OLIVER STUENKEL 10 MAR 2021 – 10:21 BRT Visto como ameaça tanto no âmbito ambiental quanto no da saúde global, o país vive colapso inédito da...
Photo by Andre Borges/NurPhoto via Getty Images BY OLIVER STUENKEL MARCH 8, 2021 Jair Bolsonaro has so far fallen short of the worst doomsday...
Book Description Using decades of their own insight into teaching undergraduate International Relations (IR) courses, leading experts offer an...
So far, policymakers have maintained strong ties with both nations. In 2021, they may face a point of no return. BY OLIVER STUENKEL | FEBRUARY...
OLIVER STUENKEL En Brasil el controversial gobierno del presidente Jair Bolsonaro que ha dividido a los brasileños es tan sólo el síntoma de...
OLIVER STUENKEL In Brazil, the highly divisive government led by President Jair Bolsonaro is merely the symptom of a longer pattern of...
Com o chanceler brasileiro priorizando assuntos internos, governadores, prefeitos e deputados estão virando interlocutores-chave de governos...