A diretora-geral do Fundo Monetário Internacional Kristalina Georgieva e o presidente do Banco Mundial David Malpass. Samuel Corum/Gettty...
Category - Thematic
WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 04: IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and World Bank Group President David Malpass. (Photo by...
Can Biden Heal a Fractured Hemisphere? By Oliver Stuenkel January 28, 2021 On the campaign trail, U.S. President Joe Biden famously described the...
An explosion caused by a police munition is seen while supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump gather in front of the U.S. Capitol Building...
Com a posse de Joe Biden, é imperativo trocar o chanceler, cuja função principal foi bajular Trump e animar a base bolsonarista Oliver...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JANUARY 11, 2021 Biden can learn important lessons from Europe’s failure to coax Brazil into moderating its environmental...
Com derrota da Donald Trump, Brasil fica ainda mais isolado em sua política radical e negacionista Oliver Stuenkel *, O Estado de S.Paulo 03...
The term “soft power” was coined in 1990 to foreground a capacity in statecraft analogous to military might and economic coercion: getting others to...
Tudo indica que o comportamento de Trump servirá como modelo para Bolsonaro em 2022. Resta saber se as instituições brasileiras mostrarão a...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | DECEMBER 2, 2020 Bolsonaro looks beatable in 2022 if Brazil’s opposition manages to overcome its internal divisions...
By Oliver Stuenkel November 20, 2020 In what has become a yearly ritual, columnists in Western newspapers used this week’s BRICS’ Leaders...
Trump Drove Latin America Into China’s Arms — Biden Has a Chance to Wrest It Back By Oliver Stuenkel November 13, 2020 The...
NOVEMBER 10, 2020 Joe Biden’s victory challenges the Brazilian president’s stances toward the U.S. as well as China. Joe Biden –...
Bolsonaro needs Trumpism to rally his base, but he might need Biden’s America even more. BY OLIVER STUENKEL | NOVEMBER 9, 2020, 1:36 PM...
05 November 2020 · Oliver Stuenkel Nationalist leaders like Brazil’s Bolsonaro who attack multilateralism for electoral gain at home still...
U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands before a dinner with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., on March 7. Alex...