Global Times Published: 2017/11/28 The overarching sentiment felt nowadays in Western capitals about the future of the world order is one of...
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“The wheels of change are moving now and they are going to start speeding up. It is an imperative that we rid ourselves of corruption,” South...
The “Security Policy Forecast 2018”, yearly publication by the Austrian Ministry of Defence, includes Oliver Stuenkel’s article on the...
Jornal da Record News entrevista irmão do brasileiro preso na Venezuela, e o professor Oliver Stuenkel analisa a relação atual entre...
Viva Books: ; Reviews: “The role and importance of the so-called BRlCS has been hotly debated for a decade, but it has not been studied in a...
Thousands of Paraguayans protest in Asuncion on December 13, 2016 against the constitutional amendment that allows the presidential reelection...
Se uma candidatura moderada vencer em 2018, o país poderá recuperar sua forte atuação externa perdida sob Rousseff e Temer A atual crise...
The political, economic and humanitarian crisis in the country with the world’s largest proven oil reserves was not only entirely predictable...
If you’re in China next month, join me for one of the book launches of Post-Western World, now available in Chinese (): Tsinghua University...
As eleições no Chile chegam ao segundo turno. O professor de Relações Internacionais da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Oliver Stuenkel, fala sobre...
Cabinet post horse-trading is in full swing in Brasília, and President Temer is said to plan on substituting around 17 of his 28 ministers in...
Chegada de refugiados do país vizinho representa desafios e oportunidades para o Brasil OLIVER STUENKEL 13 NOV 2017 Em um recente debate na...
No fim de janeiro de 2018 ofereceremos na FGV em São Paulo o curso intensivo “Análise de risco político”, também aberto a alunos...
Brazilian President Michel Temer (R) shakes hands with his Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes Ferreira (EVARISTO SA/AFP/Getty Images) BY OLIVER STUENKEL...