From January 4th – 15th 2016, Matias Spektor and Oliver Stuenkel will teach an intensive course at FGV in São Paulo on the political and...
Category - Thematic
Sinicization and the Rise of China: Civilizational Processes Beyond East and West. By Peter Katzenstein (ed.) Routledge, 2013. 313 pages. R$ 153, 51...
Book review: The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower. By Michael Pillsbury. Henry Holt...
The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect Edited by Alex Bellamy and Tim Dunne 920 pages | 246x171mm 978-0-19-875384-1 | Hardback | June...
Ruth Costas Da BBC Brasil em São Paulo A presidente Dilma Rousseff deve aproveitar seu discurso na ONU nesta segunda-feira para abordar o tema dos...
Dilma Rousseff indicou o ex-ministro Nelson Jobim para ser o observador do Brasil nas eleições parlamentares da Venezuela. O que esperar dele...
Update (October 20, 2015): Venezuela’s decision to block Brazil’s Special Envoy Nelson Jobim, tasked with monitoring the elections, () is...
by Oliver Stuenkel The countries most affected by the Syrian refugee crisis are Turkey, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, home to more than 3.6 million...
During the second half of 2015, the 15 largest emerging-market economies experienced the biggest capital outflows since the 2008 global financial...
Last month, India and Pakistan were accepted as full members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a platform to discuss politics...
At the IMF board meeting tomorrow, the Chinese yuan is expected to join the elite basket of currencies used to value its own de facto currency. If...
As the financial crisis in China unfolds, analysts are scrambling to grasp the implications for the global economy. As Martin Wolf wrote in...
Shanghai’s current stock market turmoil has left the many observers wondering about short-term implications for the global economy. Looking...
After the United States’ recent diplomatic disaster of trying to prevent general adherence to China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment...
Over the past years, the BRICS grouping has greatly increased the scope of its cooperation, ranging from the creation of a development bank, a...
In January 2015, construction of the so-called Grand Interoceanic Canal (usually called Nicaragua Canal) has finally begun. If completed, the canal...