Liu Jieyi, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the UN Review: Garwood-Gowers, Andrew (2014) China’s “Responsible...
Category - Thematic
Mauro Vieira is a lucky man. Since yesterday, he occupies one the most coveted positions in the foreign policy world. Free from immediate security...
Chama atenção a natureza do atual debate sobre a política externa brasileira: ao invés de discutir ideias sobre como melhor defender os interesses...
Sidelined: Brazil’s Foreign Ministry The current debate about Brazilian foreign policy is an odd one: Rather than exchanging competing ideas of...
Oito meses atrás, os ministros de Relações Exteriores dos países do BRICS assinaram uma declaração, em Haia, na Holanda, contra restrições à...
The BRICS and the Future of Global Order Hardcover. Lexington Books, 2015 by Oliver Stuenkel (Author) 268 pages. Order here ( ISBN-13: 978...
Laying the Brics of a New Global Order. from Yekaterinburg 2009 to Ethekwini 2013, by Francis a. Kornegay (Editor), Narnia Bohler-Muller (Editor)...
África parceira do Brasil Atlântico: relações internacionais do Brasil e da África no início do século XXI de José Flávio Sombra Saraiva. Fino Traço...
Se tivesse que definir a mais importante – e talvez mais inesperada – tendência internacional da segunda década do século XXI, a maioria...
An often overlooked commonality between BRICS countries is their contested claim for regional leadership. However, the regional ambitions articulated...
Almost exactly eight months ago, the BRICS countries’ foreign ministers issued a statement in The Hague opposing restrictions on the...
Brazilians take the streets in June 2013 If one had to define the most important – and perhaps most unexpected – international...
Quando a Rússia sediou a primeira cúpula dos líderes do grupo BRIC, em junho de 2009, com a participação do presidente brasileiro Lula, do presidente...
When Russia hosted the first BRIC Leaders’ Summit in June 2009, which was attended by Brazil’s President Lula, Russia’s President Dimitry...
Quem foi o maior beneficiário dos eventos geopolíticos em 2014? Enquanto é cedo para compreender as consequências dos dois acontecimentos chave...
In an interview at CEU’s School of Public Policy in Budapest with Oliver Stuenkel, Assistant Professor of International Relations at Getúlio...