The radicalization of the Novo Party and the decline of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party suggests Brazil’s moderate right remains a...
Category - Thematic
BY OLIVER STUENKEL DECEMBER 13, 2022 Instability, anti-incumbent voting and a tough macroeconomic environment are here to stay. SÃO PAULO — Latin...
O novo presidente chega a um cenário global mais dividido do que há 20 anos. Mas sua eleição foi bem recebida, avalia Oliver Stuenkel, da FGV Ler...
Repudiation of numerous radical pro-Trump candidates suggests Brazilian voters, too, may grow tired of the most extreme elements of...
Divisions over a candidate for a multilateral post show that obstacles to cooperation still remain, even with more ideological alignment. BY...
NOVEMBER 08, 2022 COMMENTARY A more disciplined demagogue would have succeeded in destroying Brazilian democracy Last month, former army captain Jair...
In vielerlei Hinsicht ist der Wahlsieg von Luis Inácio Lula da Silva bei den brasilianischen Präsidentschaftswahlen am Sonntag historisch. Zum ersten...
Oliver Stuenkel is a political analyst and a professor at the School of International Relations at Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo. Jair...
El triunfo de Lula es producto de la construcción de una alianza prodemocrática sin precedentes Si bien Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva había liderado las...
OCTOBER 25, 2022 Once deemed unlikely, reelection would allow Brazil’s president to double down on his cultural agenda and bring an uncertain...
Triunfos de bolsonaristas no Legislativo limitam espaço para País se destacar nos debates globais sobre mudanças climáticas, saúde global e...
The first-round vote ended with a margin much slimmer than expected between the main candidates, President Jair Bolsonaro and former President Luiz...
ANALYSIS – 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 That Russia’s war in Ukraine is beginning to reshape the global order is a broadly accepted claim. Oliver...
The Threat to Democracy Looming Over Brazil’s Election By Oliver Stuenkel September 29, 2022 Days ahead of Brazil’s October 2 presidential...
Philipp Lichterbeck 30/09/202230 de setembro de 2022 Em entrevista à DW, cientista político Oliver Stuenkel atribui ao governo Bolsonaro isolamento...
26/09/2022 | 05h00 Mesmo em um ambiente polarizado e com candidatos à Presidência apresentando visões de mundo profundamente diferentes...