How Does Uruguay Do It? Strong civic engagement and low inequality have helped the country avoid the political polarization sweeping the globe. On...
Category - South America
Aggressive U.S. foreign policy could push regional governments into China’s arms. Trump Can’t Bully Latin America Without Consequences U.S. President...
As president, his aggressive stance toward the region led many countries to warm to China. Trump Has His Own Monroe Doctrine Ahead of November’s U.S...
The president has dug in and is waiting for global attention to move elsewhere Global leaders have reacted in three different ways to the overtly...
Debate sobre estratégia de Lula diante das ‘eleições’ venezuelanas ignora que postura brasileira dificilmente fará diferença A resposta do governo...
No poder há mais de uma década, ditador venezuelano usa “processo eleitoral” para dividir opositores É explícita a interferência do governo de...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL JANUARY 8, 2024 Despite mediocre growth, political risk is declining and cautious optimism is increasingly warranted. Latin...
The Real Impact of Maduro’s Guyana Referendum SÃO PAULO — “There’s one thing South America does not need right now: trouble,” replied Brazil’s...
CHRISTOPHER S. CHIVVIS, OLIVER STUENKEL, BEATRIX GEAGHAN‑BREINER NOVEMBER 22, 2023 In recent years, Buenos Aires has sought stronger ties with...
Javier Milei’s Next Challenge: Governing Argentina The messianic president-elect may struggle to implement many of his most radical ideas. By Oliver...
NOVEMBER 16, 2023 COMMENTARY On Sunday, Argentine voters will elect their next president in a runoff campaign that has been the most divisive in...
The Israel-Hamas War Is Inflaming Polarization in Latin America BY OLIVER STUENKEL NOVEMBER 16, 2023 The region’s leaders have been far more critical...
Republican Threats on Mexico Could Carry a Huge Cost BY OLIVER STUENKEL SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 Even if it’s just rhetoric, Republican candidates’...
Seit Jahrzehnten wird Europa für die Staaten der Region unwichtiger. Das Mercosur-Freihandelsabkommen ist wohl die letzte Chance, diesen Prozess...
Presidenciável argentino usa velha retórica ‘nós contra eles’ e demonização de outros governos como estratégia para mobilizar seus...
La invitación al país de adherirse al grupo obligará al sucesor(a) de Alberto Fernández a tomar una decisión clave en su primer mes de mandato 1 de...