Marking Venezuela’s application for full Mercosur membership in 2006; it was formally admitted in 2012. BY OLIVER STUENKEL | SEPTEMBER...
Category - South America
José Miguel Vivanco No dia 31 de agosto, às 15h, José Miguel Vivanco, diretor-executivo da HRW para a América (HRW) e especialista em América...
Almost precisely one decade ago, making good on a campaign pledge and actively encouraged by Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez, Bolivia’s President...
Osmar Vladimir Chohfi Entrevista de história oral realizada no contexto do projeto “O Brasil em Crises Internacionais”, desenvolvido pelo Centro de...
Latin American governments need to do more to help Venezuela overcome its worst political and economic crisis in more than a decade. FEDERICO...
The Secretary General of the Organization of the American States (OAS), Luis Almagro Book review: Beyond Sovereignty. Collectively...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JUNE 28, 2016 Despite its current crisis, Brazil must maintain its global diplomatic presence and adapt to a more Asia-centric...
Fujimori announcing the end of democracy in Peru (1992) Over the past months, several observers have compared Nicolás Maduro to Alberto...
Entrevistado: Nelson Jobim, Ministro da Defesa (2007-2011). Entrevista realizada no contexto do projeto “Política Externa e...
Oliver Stuenkel A crise venezuelana prejudica a reputação da região e fortalece a noção de que a América do Sul está à deriva. Vizinhos têm o dever...
Book review: Blood and Debt: War and the Nation State in Latin America. By Miguel Angel Centeno. Penn State University Press, 2002. 344 pages...
In the photo: Suriname’s Vice President Arron, President Shankar and Commander Bouterse, six months before the so-called “telephone...
Peru’s next President? Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK) If Peru’s electoral authorities confirm Pedro Pablo Kuczynski as the...
AMERICAS QUARTERLY (AQ) BY OLIVER STUENKEL | MAY 31, 2016 Brazil and Argentina should lead the diplomatic effort to change...
On Wednesday afternoon, International Relations scholars across Brazil gathered in front of their computer screens as the newly minted Foreign...
US President Eisenhower greets the crowds in São Paulo (1960). Along with his Argentine counterpart Frodizi, Brazil’s President Juscelino...