by Andreas E. Feldmann, Federico Merke, Oliver Stuenkel November 30, 2015 In the run-up to the hotly contested parliamentary elections...
Category - South America
It will take time to properly assess the international consequences of Maurício Macri’s victory in Argentina’s presidential elections...
Dilma Rousseff indicou o ex-ministro Nelson Jobim para ser o observador do Brasil nas eleições parlamentares da Venezuela. O que esperar dele...
Update (October 20, 2015): Venezuela’s decision to block Brazil’s Special Envoy Nelson Jobim, tasked with monitoring the elections, () is...
In January 2015, construction of the so-called Grand Interoceanic Canal (usually called Nicaragua Canal) has finally begun. If completed, the canal...
Originalmente publicado em inglês no dia 30 de julho e traduzido pelo Politike. Brasil precisa mostrar à Venezuela que não aceitará retrocessos na...
Facing the worst economic and political crisis in more than two decades (a situation termed a “more-than-perfect storm” by Valor...
Brazil’s President Sarney and Argentina’s President Alfonsín, 1985 Book review: The Origins of Nuclear Cooperation. A Critical Oral...
– Entrevista com Oliver Stuenkel, autor do livro “BRICS e a ordem global” – Para especialista, Brics mantém dinamismo...
Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega and Wang Jing, president of HKND, the Chinese company that promises to build the Nicaragua Canal...
João Augusto de Castro Neves, Oliver Stuenkel e Matias Spektor TENDÊNCIAS/DEBATES 02/03/2015 ———- É crucial que nossa política...
Laying the Brics of a New Global Order. from Yekaterinburg 2009 to Ethekwini 2013, by Francis a. Kornegay (Editor), Narnia Bohler-Muller (Editor)...
El pequeño grupo de académicos que se preocupa y escribe sobre los BRICS ha estado muy alborotado en los últimos tiempos. La razón es que hay un...
Os acadêmicos e observadores de política externa que escrevem sobre a sigla BRICS estiveram em tumulto nas últimas semanas. O motivo é um rumor de...
President Zelaya in the Brazilian Embassy, 2009 Five years ago, on June 28th 2009, Honduran president Manuel Zelaya was ousted in a military coup...
The BRICS are not a group. ...