A crise na Venezuela durante os últimos meses é o mais importante desafio da política externa de Dilma Rousseff até agora. Os críticos apontaram a...
Category - South America
Argentina’s Foreign Minister Hector Timerman (left) in Moscow The small group of academics and foreign policy observers that care and...
Luiz Alberto Figueiredo enfrenta a tarefa mais desafiadora desde que assumiu o Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil no ano passado. Depois de...
Book review: The Silence and the Scorpion: The Coup Against Chávez and the Making of Modern Venezuela. By Brian A. Nelson. New York: Nation...
Brazil’s Foreign Minister (third from right) in Caracas Luiz Alberto Figueiredo is facing the most challenging task since taking over...
(Outubro de 1998: Reunidos em Brasília para a assinatura a paz, (da esq.) o Presidente peruano Alberto Fujimori, o Chanceler Luiz Felipe Lampreia e o...
Addressing the United Nations General Assembly in September 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama appealed to rising democracies such as Brazil to help...
Como observadores de política externa muitas vezes apontam, o Brasil é abençoado. Ao contrário de outras potências emergentes como a China ou a...
The crisis in Venezuela during the past months turned out to be Dilma Rousseff’s most important foreign policy challenge so far. Critics...
Over the past months, Western media have strongly criticized Brazil’s reluctant stance on the deepening crisis in neighboring Venezuela, where...
The occupation of Crimea, the region’s referendum and subsequent integration into Russia have led to the most serious geopolitical tensions in more...
3000 people on a remote island 500km away from the nearest continent are not exactly a recipe for dynamism and innovation. And yet, change is...
Brazil, foreign policy observers often point out, is blessed. Contrary to many other emerging powers such as China or India, it is located in a...
Addressing the United Nations General Assembly in September 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama appealed to rising democracies such as Brazil to help...
In 2001, upon graduating from high school, I decided to take time off and move to Venezuela. I traveled through most parts of the...
Brazil’s economic rise over the past two decades has caused the country’s foreign policy making elite to seek a more prominent role for Brazil in the...