AUGUST 18, 2022 Oliver Stuenkel on the consolidation of a wave of leftist and left-leaning leaders in the region There is an unmistakable trend in...
Category - South America
Gustavo Petro’s opponents worry he’ll try to concentrate power, but public frustration due to unrealistic expectations are more likely to stall his...
For decades Americans have described China as a rising power. That description no longer fits: China has already risen. What does this mean for the U...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL JULY 18, 2022 Today’s leftist leaders face much tougher challenges than did their predecessors. SA͂O PAULO — Gustavo Petro’s...
Oliver Stuenkel June 12, 2022 The rise of geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China, the Covid pandemic, and, most recently, the Russian...
Oliver Stuenkel June 23, 2022 Commentary As the war in Ukraine passes the one-hundred-day mark, few regions have escaped the conflict’s economic...
Surgimento de candidatos populistas como o (por pouco) derrotado Rodolfo Hernández é sinal da profunda disfunção democrática na região Eleições, em...
In contrast with most other high-level diplomatic encounters, the Summit of the Americas has been a controversial idea from the start. After all...
By Caroline Coutinho June 8, 2022 World leaders from North, Central, and south America are flocking to Los Angeles for the ninth Summit of the...
06/06/2022 | 05h00 Atualização: 06/06/2022 | 07h22 Tudo indica que a cúpula seguirá tendo pouca relevância na vida de 1 bilhão de pessoas que vivem...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL JUNE 2, 2022 A second “pink tide” would create greater opportunities for dialogue. But structural obstacles...
Esquerdista Gustavo Petro enfrentará o populista de direita Rodolfo Hernández no segundo turno em junho O primeiro turno das eleições presidenciais...
Irrespective of who wins the runoff in Colombia, the elections mark the 14th straight opposition victory in free and fair Latin American...
Guerra na Ucrânia, pragmatismo em Washington e Caracas e eleições na Colômbia e no Brasil trazem chances econômicas para o país vizinho. 23/05/2022 |...
OLIVER STUENKEL MAY 04, 2022 COMMENTARY Rodrigo Chaves’s election reveals that antiestablishment sentiment remains strong across Latin America. When...
Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chávez Frías, asking his men to give up, after the failed coup attempt on February 4th,1992. A second coup...