The continent has seen a surge in left-wing victories but not all the leaders support socially liberal policies. By Oliver Stuenkel SÃO PAULO...
Category - South America
JANUARY 27, 2022 COMMENTARY Today’s inauguration of new Honduran President Xiomara Castro was supposed to inspire hope in a country blighted by...
; DECEMBER 20, 2021 COMMENTARY President-elect Gabriel Boric must now find the right formula to engage skeptics while also maintaining support from...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL DECEMBER 7, 2021 Debates should focus on home-grown threats to democracy such as inequality, fake news and the...
The collapse of centrist parties in Chile’s elections this weekend reflects the demise of the country’s democratic model. Long seen as one of Latin...
EL NO ALINEAMIENTO ACTIVO Y AMÉRICA LATINA. UNA DOCTRINA PARA EL NUEVO SIGLO Las diversas perspectivas expuestas en este libro tienen un hilo...
BY OLIVER STUENKEL AUGUST 10, 2021 SÃO PAULO – I was in for a surprise when I asked politically engaged university students and young political...
Regional governance has so far failed to help Latin American overcome its numerous challenges. Yet cooperation persists in some formats, and...
OLIVER STUENKEL 21 JUN 2021 – 17:20 CEST Desfaçatez de vozes autoritárias na região ―mais recentemente, na Nicarágua, no Peru e no Brasil―...
La decisión de qué fabricante y tipo de tecnología 5G usar en un país es la punta del iceberg de una problemática que refleja la preocupación...
‘Papel do Brasil hoje na ONU é muito distante do que foi’, diz analista após País entrar para o CS Para Oliver Stuenkel, participação no órgão da ONU...
por Redacción 14 de junio de 2021 Tiene un máster en Políticas Públicas y un doctorado en Ciencia Política, y se ha dedicado a estudiar las...
In Peru’s runoff election, a razor-thin victory by leftist Pedro Castillo will likely put an end to the country’s neoliberal consensus...
May 20, 2021 Commentary Oliver Stuenkel Chilean citizens are making a risky but courageous attempt to write a new constitution. If the country...
A Assembleia Legislativa de El Salvador, de maioria governista, decidiu no último sábado (1º) –por 64 votos a favor, 19 votos contra e uma...
In a change of pace, Ecuador’s runoff presidential election brought conservative businessman Guillermo Lasso to office. But the country’s...